Instructions for Authors

  • Slovenské Divadlo: revue dramatických umení (The Slovak Theatre : Review of Dramatic Arts) is an external double-blind peer-reviewed theoretical and historical journal for theatre, film, radio and television art. It is published four times a year (quarterly). It publishes only original studies and research articles whose theme is consistent with the focus of the journal, or possibly articles of interdisciplinary nature.  
  • Manuscripts in Slovak, Czech, or English (depending on the issue of the journal) are accepted or rejected by the journal editorial staff and/ or advisory board based on peer reviews. All papers are independently peer-reviewed, and the review procedure is anonymous on both sides. The authors are informed of the result of the review within 6 – 10 weeeks after the submission of the paper or its delivery to the editorial office. Peer Review Evaluation Form is available on the web site of the journal (part Peer Review Process and Reviewers’ Responsibility).
  • The usual length of studies is 36,000 characters, spaces included (1 standard page = 1,800 characters). A more extensive manuscript can be submitted based on a prior agreement with the editorial board; however, it must never exceed 72,000 characters, including spaces. The editorial board do not accept monograph-length studies.
  • Contributions of different character (outlooks, reviews, notes, and the like) are shorter in length:

Outlooks: 18, 000 – 36,000 characters, spaces included;
Reviews: 7,200 – 14, 400 characters, spaces included;
Notes, Obituaries, etc.: approx. 5,400 characters, spaces included.

  • Each study or outlook must be accompanied by a short abstract (approx. 1,000 characters), key words (5–10), and the author’s details (job position/organization, e-mail and phone number). a summary in English (approx. 1,000 characters). At the end of each article should be provide a short summary in English (approx. 1, 000 characters), complete list of used bibliography,or if need be, by details related to the publication of the study (for example, information about grant support, research funding, and the like). 

Please use the following format of articles:

  • Full name and surname of the author, workplace of the author/ authors (institution), country.
  • Title of the article (on separate line), abstract, keywords.
  • Text of the contribution/article.
  • Summary in Slovak, resp. English.
  • Acknowledgment of the research project (at the end of the text).
  • Bibliography.
  • Contact details (name and surname, institution address, e-mail address).
  • Font: Times New Roman (standard),  size 12, line 1,5. 
  • Italics font is used only for the titles of theatre plays, movies, books (…), i.e. the titles of works of art. Use standard font for all other texts, including quotations and footnotes. Bold font is used only for figure captions, article titles and subchapters, so please do not use bold font or any other specific font for emphasis.
  • The bibliography must be complete and compliant with the STN ISO 690 standard.
  • Notes, citations and references must always be inserted by means of the MS Word feature “Insert reference” and “Insert footnote”. Authors are required to ensure that DOI is always mentioned when citing the given document published in the Slovak Theater labeled DOI, or when it is listed in the bibliography.
  • All names must be first time given in full – first name(s) (not initials) + surname.
  • Authors are required to obtain all copyright and reprint rights for each photograph or image that they attach to their manuscript in a *JPG format, respectively, to have the right to use them (consent of the authors). The use of other formats must be consulted with the editor in advance ( For photos, another image elements is necessary to use a label (identification entry).
  • For photos of the productions proceed as follows: Author of the play/scenario/or original literary artwork: Title of the production. Theatre, place of introduction, year of release (or exact date of premiere). Directed by. Actors’ names (in parentheses the names of the characters they have represent). Author of photography or archive source.

Please use the following notation, it is necessary for publishing article:

Examples of citations (footnotes):

MAŤAŠÍK, A. Vznik a prvé kroky Slovenského národného divadla : vývoj inštitúcie Slovenského národného divadla od počiatkov po nástup Oskara Nedbala. Bratislava : Ústav divadelnej a filmovej vedy SAV, 2015, p. 22. – initial of first name, the source document name/title, place of issue, publisher, year, relevant page.

Book chapters:
PAŠUTHOVÁ, Z. Ján Palárik: Inkognito. In LINDOVSKÁ, N. – BOKES, F. – KOVÁČ, P.– MIŠOVIC, K. – MOJŽIŠOVÁ, M. – PAŠUTHOVÁ, Z. – PODMAKOVÁ, D. Od rekonštrukcie divadelnej inscenácie ku kultúrnym dejinám? Bratislava : Veda : Ústav divadelnej a filmovej vedy SAV : Divadelná fakulta Vysokej školy múzických umení, 2015, p. 136.

Article in the proceedings:
BALLAY, M. Diverzifikácia nezávislého divadla na Slovensku. In Postavenie divadla v spoločnosti : zborník referátov z X. medzinárodnej Banskobystrickej teatrologickej konferencie v cykle Dnes a tu. (Ed. Andrej Maťašík). Banská Bystrica : Fakulta dramatických umení Akadémie umení, 2013, p. 166.

Journal articles:
BLAHYNKA, M. Hudba v činohre. In Slovenské divadlo, 1995, Vol. 43, No. 2, p. 143. DOI…

Newspaper articles:
DLOUHÝ, O. Ľúbivá rozprávka najmä pre dospelých. In Národná obroda, 1997, Vol. 8, No. 8, p. 7, 17. 6. 1997 (day of issue).

Internet articles:
SUDOR, K. – DUBAČOVÁ, V. Úradníci k nám pristupovali ako k čarodejniciam [Interview]. In,  2. 1. 2007. [online]. [cit. 16. 05. 2011]. Available at:


ŠIMKOVÁ, S. Matka alebo rodinný seriál pokračuje. [cit. 21. 05. 2012]. [online]. Available at:

Jules Massenet : Don Quichotte [Programme booklet]. Bratislava : Slovenské národné divadlo, 1995, p. 14.

Examples of bibliography:

– use the full first name of the author, the total number of pages of the book / contribution, ISBN / ISSN

MAŤAŠÍK, Andrej. Vznik a prvé kroky Slovenského národného divadla : vývoj inštitúcie Slovenského národného divadla od počiatkov po nástup Oskara Nedbala. Bratislava : Ústav divadelnej a filmovej vedy SAV, 2015. 117 p. ISBN 978-80-971155-4-8.

Book chapters:
PAŠUTHOVÁ, Zdenka. Ján Palárik: Inkognito. In LINDOVSKÁ, Nadežda – BOKES, František – KOVÁČ, Peter – MIŠOVIC, Karol – MOJŽIŠOVÁ, Michaela – PAŠUTHOVÁ, Zdenka – PODMAKOVÁ, Dagmar. Od rekonštrukcie divadelnej inscenácie ku kultúrnym dejinám? Bratislava : Veda : Ústav divadelnej a filmovej vedy SAV : Divadelná fakulta Vysokej školy múzických umení, 2015, p. 136–157. ISBN 978-80-224-1488-3.

Article in the proceedings: 
BALLAY, Miroslav. Diverzifikácia nezávislého divadla na Slovensku. In Postavenie divadla v spoločnosti : zborník referátov z X. medzinárodnej Banskobystrickej teatrologickej konferencie v cykle Dnes a tu. (Ed. Andrej Maťašík). Banská Bystrica : Fakulta dramatických umení Akadémie umení, 2013, p. 166–181. ISBN 978-80-89555-27-7.

Journal articles: 
BLAHYNKA, Miloslav. Hudba v činohre. In Slovenské divadlo, 1995, Vol. 43, No. 2, p. 143 – 167. ISSN 0037-699X.

Newspaper articles:
DLOUHÝ, Oleg. Ľúbivá rozprávka najmä pre dospelých. In Národná obroda, 1997, Vol. 8, No. 8, p. 7, 17. 6. 1997 (day of issue), ISSN 1335-4671.

Internet articles:
SUDOR, Karol – DUBAČOVÁ, Viera. Úradníci k nám pristupovali ako k čarodejniciam [Interview]. In,  2. 1. 2007. [online]. [cit. 16. 05. 2011]. Available at:


ŠIMKOVÁ, Soňa. Matka alebo rodinný seriál pokračuje. [online]. [cit. 21. 05. 2012]. Available at:

Jules Massenet : Don Quichotte [Programme booklet]. Bratislava : Slovenské národné divadlo, 1995. 54 p.